Remedial massage is for muscular and mental stress release

Yes, Remedial massage is for muscular and mental stress release.

Lajos Telek & The AA Telek Massage Centre Can Help!

*Relief from Muscular Pain and Tension


*Injury Management *Herbal Medicine


*Bowen Technique *Deep Tissue Massage 

*Stress and Pain Relief  *Tai Chi & Reflexology

*Reiki *Sports Massage *Relaxation Massage

Massage is for Everybody


Gain relief from a backache, neck ache, general body soreness & stiffness. Massage can also be extremely beneficial for people who suffer from migraines & other conditions that are attributed to neck or spine conditions.

Lajos Telek is an Accredited Therapist with over 30 years experience.


Holds Diploma of remedial massage

Member of A.A.T.M.

Certificates in Bowen therapy, Huny Yuan Tai Chi, Chinese Acupuncture. Kinesiology.
Lajos Telek also has certificate of Herbal medicine, certificate in Iridology and certificate level 3 reiki.
When you attend the AA Telek Massage Clinic, you truly are in the best of hands. Lajos Telek has the qualifications & experience to ensure you are treated to the highest of standards possible.

Call  Lajos Telek    0433167703

For your convenience, we have three locations in Western Australia,

MT Pleasant, Fremantle, Rockingham,