Reiki Courses

Reiki Courses available in Perth  WA areas

Reiki courses first degree

Reiki courses second degree

Reiki courses third-degree Reiki master

Tibetan and Usui system reiki healing.

Certification Reiki courses prices  $ 300  Reiki  Level 1 Reiki Level 2 $300  Reiki Level 3  Reiki Master $350  At the end of this course, you will be certified

Reiki workshop

Will teach you a healing modality you can have for the rest of your life. You have a new lifestyle. During the Reiki training, you may realise how to help others and yourself.

It is relaxing and gentle yet powerful and healing. Anyone can learn Reiki.

Shaman Training includes Munay Ki initiations.

Shaman healing initiations include 9 Munay Ki rites. Plus how to use sacred drums or medicine drumming